
How to make easy chocolate

by - January 03, 2020

Homemade chocolate

home made chocolate recipe


  •   Cocoa powder 5 tbsps
  •   Milk powder 1 1/4 cups
  •   Butter 1/4 cup
  •   Sugar 2/3 cup
  •   Water 1/2 cup
  • how to make easy chocolate

  • Method for making Homemade chocolate

    1. 1 ) Sieve milk powder and cocoa powder and keep aside.
    2. 2 ) Heat water and sugar in a vessel and bring to a boil. Reduce flame and continue cooking till the syrup reaches one string consistency. Add the butter and mix well
      1. 3 ) till it melts and blends with the syrup. Turn off heat.
      2. 4 ) Add the cocoa-milk powder mixture gradually (a few tbsps at a time) and mix well till glossy. Grease square pan or plate. Pour the mixture into the pan and smooth the top with a spatula allow to set for 10 to 15 mts at room temperature.
      3. 5 ) Place in fridge for 10-15 mts. Remove from fridge and use a cookie cutter to cut into desired shape.

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